Eve M. Harrell

Mar 21, 20143 min

Meet My Jesus

In the course of our life, from our first breath to our last, we are seeking. Seeking Love, seeking truth, seeking an understanding of our purpose on earth. We spend great energy on these moments in time. Some moments become fleeting experiences which we would rather forget; while others become life changing moments which define our character and how we interact with others.

In my own life, I have worked so hard for the love of others and at times wondering if there was any purpose. In retrospect, I looked like the dog chasing her tail. I only wish I would have burned a couple of calories in the process!

It took me many years to find the Truth which would change my life. The world would place me in MANY different compartments. Some of them good, some bad, so I embarked on a journey, a study of who I really was . . .

God says that I am:

Genesis 1:27 says: “ Created in His own image.” Psalm 139 says: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Ephesians 2:10 says: “For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus.”

You know the old adage, that “God doesn’t make any junk . . .” Well, it is true, He made us in His own image so how could I be “less than” in the Eyes of my Creator?

But wait a second, what about all of the compartments the world has placed me and continues to place me? Faced with criticism and sarcasm, it can sometimes be difficult to see the Love of a Creator.

In my study of who God said I was, I noticed something which stood out. There isn’t a lot of highlight placed on me. God, however, spent a great deal of time lovingly teaching me. Things like:

John 13:34-35: “Love one another, just as I have loved you. By this all people will know that you are My disciples.” Philippians 2:14: “Do all things without grumbling or questioning.” Matthew 7:1: “Judge not, that you are not judged.” Ecclesiastes 5:2: “Be not rash with your mouth.” Colossians 3:13: “Forgive one another, as The Lord has forgiven you.” Matthew 22:37-39: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, this is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, Love your neighbor as yourself."

There are many scriptures leading to Love. I am amazed at The Heart of God and how much this action means to Him.

This leads me to my topic, in finding truth, learning to love and even finding my purpose; I recognized the very truth in God’s Word. It’s all about Jesus.

Yes, it’s all about Jesus. From beginning to end, cover to cover, Jesus taught us that The very Heart of God loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for us. To DIE for us, His Creation. There is a great deal of history in the pages, yes, but interwoven through all of it is the Truth of a Savior, prophesied about, then sent to walk among us teaching us to love, to live, and finally sent to die, for me. Our Father’s beautiful Love Story comes to life in my fingers. And His Story includes me, me an insecure little girl begging to be loved and to know her purpose.

He wrote my name on His Heart, he nailed my sin to a Cross and said, “She is mine. The enemy cannot have her, Father, she is mine.” My sins: past, present and future were redeemed that day. The chains binding me to fear, depression and insecurity have been broken. Freedom is mine! His Truth has given me freedom and shown me that our God has one path for me, and it is a narrow path, but a beautiful path full of Love, Truth and Purpose which He has designed for me to know Life to the full as He designed.

Meet my Jesus, my Savior. He has changed me, from the inside out. He has taught me that I am the daughter of The King, His Beloved, His workmanship created in Him. He has taught me that our greatest purpose in all the world is to Love Him and to Love one another.

Do you know Jesus?

His Love is for you too . . . .

#Jesus #Love #2014
