Eve M. Harrell

Feb 29, 20163 min

Connecting The Dots - Mentorship and Divine Appointments

Do you believe in divine appointments?

I do, whether for a moment or a lifetime, I believe that God has created appointments meant to draw us together in community.

In Confessions of a Helicopter Mom, I shared the power of mentors and mentees in our own life and the lives of our children.

“We recognize that God has filled a distinct need to have others in our lives. God created us for relationship with Him and others. He placed relationships in our lives that provide for mentorship opportunity.” “The placement of others in our lives is not by accident or mistake. God has a plan.”

I believe that God uses divine appointments to bring people into our lives that can mentor us.

Today I flew into Orange County, California. Waiting for the plane to arrive, a gentleman came to sit next to me. We began a conversation about his beautiful bride of 56 years and my loving husband of 25. He, of course asked how many children I have and the conversation leaned toward my son who is in prison. In 15 minutes, God used this man to pour into me, giving me HOPE as he shared the story of redemption in his own family. “Never give up on your son, God has placed talents into him, he only needs to find the talents which God gave him to use in this world.” He said it 3 times. And in a moment, I felt like God was whispering this truth into my heart.

Don’t miss these moments of divine intervention. You never know when The Father may be giving you advice or comforting your heart.

As I boarded the plane, guess who was sitting next to me? Nobody could have designed this connection except our Creator. We had an amazing exchange of conversation. He delighted in showing me pictures of his beautiful wife, children and grandchildren while I shared pictures of my handsome husband, boys and my amazing Life Group girls.

Through this exchange, he shared a professor’s heart. Working as a professor for many years, you could hear it in his tone. He LOVED to teach. And in a short 4-hour flight, he gave me tips on speaking and leadership. He gave me a list of books that I needed to read to help me in my journey. And he blessed me with a beautiful gift in sharing how to listen without interrupting the story I was listening to with my own reasoning and rationale.

What he didn’t know is that I am on a journey. Praying for the wisdom to do all of the things that he was pouring into me. I recognized this to be an opportunity to listen to what God is trying to teach me in this season of life.

I think this bears repeating: Don’t miss these moments of divine intervention. You never know when The Father may be teaching you something.

So, how do you engage in a divine appointment?

1- Be open for conversation, be genuine.

2- Be willing to give 100% of your attention to the one God has placed in your path.

3- Be ready to ask questions and listen for the answers God is sharing with you. If God is using you to mentor another, listen for what they are not saying and ask questions which lead them to find the answers that God has for them.

4- After the exchange, ask God to show you what He is teaching and write it down.

5- Receive His grace, He so wants to give it to you.

Our Father is writing a beautiful story. As His children, we are each written in as our testimony comes to life. And as we cross paths, He is connecting the dots. Creating community which, when completely fulfilled will bring Him Glory and will culminate into an amazing masterpiece of His Love and Grace.

Where can you find your next divine appointment?

Father, thank You for the divine interventions You place in our life. Thank You that while You stand outside of space and time, You meet us where we are, placing others in our lives to give us hope and wisdom on our journey. I pray, Father, that we will be conscious of these divine appointments and realize them as beautiful opportunities to be part of Your beautiful masterpiece called life.

You are a good, good Father.

Your amazed daughter


#mentors #mentoring #confessionsofahelicoptermom #2016
