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  • Writer's pictureEve M. Harrell

When Faith is all you have

Where are you struggling today?

We all struggle with something: waking up late, losing our keys, running out of coffee, losing a job, losing a child . . .

Yes I know, some of these are trivial while others can be game changers.

So when the struggles hit, when the challenges roll in, where do we turn?

I am struggling today. As shared previously in Finding Hope, my oldest son is in prison. In 2012, he and a friend paid a high price for a horrible decision. If hindsight is 20/20, I believe in this situation it could be magnified to the 10x power.

He is an adult and his consequences are his own; however, this mother’s heart still has moments even days of grief.

On days like this, I have only one thing to rely on, FAITH.

Faith that my son will see His Father.

Faith that my Father will guard his heart, protect him from evil and show him the purpose and the plan He has for his future.

Faith that The Creator of the Universe will keep me in His Righteous Right Hand as promised in Isaiah.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

There is so much in this promise given to Israel. Isaiah shares what is considered a courtroom scene in this chapter where God is reminding His people that He is in control. He is in control of history, present time and future. God assures His people that He will always be with them, for them, strengthening them.

And this scripture is for us as well. God is reminding all of us that He is with us, He is our God, He will strengthen us, help us and hold us in His Perfect Hand.

He never leaves us, nor forsakes us and to go a step further, He promises: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

So, if my God is always with me and will always help me, I can have Faith that He will hold me in these moments of grief.

I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8

Friend, whatever your struggles are today, know that there is One who is always with you. If you are weak, spent, uncertain or afraid, our Father wants you to know that He loves you so very much and will hold you in His Perfect Hand. He will help you with the impossible task, He will hold you when moments of grief roll over you, He will strengthen you when you are weak, He will replace your fear with FAITH.

Father, thank you for your promises. Thank You Lord that I do not have to fear but instead remember that You are my God, You will strengthen me, help me and hold me in Your Perfect Hand. Father, I ask that You help me keep my eyes on You, because we know that when we focus on You, we will not be shaken by the fear and worry in this world. Lord I pray for each person who reads this today that You will build their faith, that You will remind them that Your promises are for them as well. Lord, we love You so very much and thank You for the Love that is ours in Jesus.

Your Daughter


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