Value is defined as worth, merit or importance. When we value someone or something, we define it as something that is worth our time, our care and our love. We protect and care for it because we consider it important. Relationships thrive when tended. Our Faith grows when we keep our eyes on Jesus. Confidence and courage blooms when we recognize that we too are valuable.
What if I told you that your value was great in the eyes of God? YES YOU!
Even from the beginning, God shares our value in His eyes. “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27
Our value comes from God.
The Psalmist shares his awe in the great care given when our Creator formed each of us individually, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:13-16
God knew us even before we were known. Just like a precious diamond is formed in the depths of the earth, He carefully formed us in our mother’s womb and called us precious in His Eyes.
If value is defined as worth, merit or importance and our Father defines us as valuable and precious in His eyes, why do we allow other influences to tell us otherwise?
I serve with young women and the struggle for value is real. As a former young woman myself, I vividly remember the peer pressure to look like a cover model. I can recall the sleepless nights when I felt worthless. The days when I was overwhelmed with anxiety from the need to succeed and the stress when I didn’t. Where do these thoughts and feelings come from?
A better question is, “Why did I listen to the negative voices?”
From the point we are born most of us are blessed to be loved and held often. And the truth is that we need this, not just to provide a physical need but to provide emotional growth as well. In this, we feel confident, loved and free. But something happens when we hit a gawky stage or begin to show signs of independence. A dad may not know how to relate to his daughter’s desire to be independent or a mom may not know how to guide a son’s need for adventure.
These uncertainties in parenting can lead to moments of silence and awkward conversation. Divorce and separation can further create insecurities and alienation in the mind of the one who is questioning their value and worth. Combine either of these with the insecurities that come from adolescence and peer pressure and the negative voices can sound very loud.
Negative voices may sound like: “You are ugly.” “You are worthless.” “Look what you did, are you stupid or something?” “You must be unlovable.” These voices become very loud and begin to reverberate in our very soul. We begin to believe they define us.
But I am here to tell you dear one, THEY DO NOT!
Can we change the trajectory of these insecurities? Can we turn off the negative influences and find the truth? YES!
First, we must begin to recognize, accept and receive the value that was given to us. If God knew us in our mother’s womb and ordained each day of our life before it even began, why would His definition ever change?
We must realize that the external influences that can be a catalyst to the negative voices in our head have no power over us. Even if it comes from a person of authority, our value cannot be re-shaped by inconsiderate comments from others.
Face the negative voice in your head and speak truth into the insecurity. When you hear “You are ugly,” speak truth by saying “My Father says I am fearfully and wonderfully made in His Image, can’t be ugly.” When you hear “You are worthless,” speak truth by saying “My Father says He has a purpose and a plan for me, to give me hope and a future.” When you hear “Look what you did, are you stupid or something?” Speak truth by saying “My Father says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I will not give up.” And when you hear “You must be unlovable.” Speak truth by saying “My Father loved me so much that He sent His Son to die for me. He wrote my name in the palm of His Hand and sealed it to His Heart. I am FOREVER LOVED!” Dear one, nobody can take that away from you!
Find the value that God has placed inside, He has given you talents, which are uniquely yours. Find your talent, your passion and go after it. The only one who can stop you from growing and learning is you. Seek the beauty He placed deep inside. Where your passion meets the world’s need, there you will find your purpose.
Learn to laugh at yourself. If you can laugh at the things that seem to go awry in your life, then it eases the tension of the moment for you and those around you and removes the power that the negative voices have over you.
Our Father warned us that the enemy prowls around like a lion looking for who he can devour, that the enemy seeks to steal, kill and destroy, BUT that Jesus came to give us LIFE TO THE FULL! The enemy cannot steal the value that is freely given to us by our Father.
Your value in the Father’s eyes is never-ending. He created you for relationship with Him and others and He considered you so valuable that He sent His Son as a sacrifice so you could know a full life. Your value, my beautiful friend, comes from the definition that our Father placed inside and from the love that Jesus showed for you at the Cross. He gave us the right to reject all of the negative voices in His Name.
We have a choice to accept or reject His free gift.
Do you know your value?
Father, thank You for the great love you shared through creation and the cross. You have blessed us with value greater than anything that we could receive otherwise. Please help us to see ourselves through YOUR EYES and help us to accept the unconditional love and value you poured into us. We are children thirsty for the love only You can give.
Your Daughter